Five Frames of Shiny

I had been thinking about a Five Frames of Shiny post when I spotted this sign during a 2018 trip to New Orleans. I couldn’t resist, because, well, who doesn’t like shiny stuff…


I admit, I’m a sucker for shiny stuff. This is a shot of a brew kettle and assorted pipes at the Les 3 Brasseurs micro brasserie at 105 St. Paul Street East in Montreal. My wife and I had lunch here during a trip in July 2017. I had a beer. It was good.

Cloud Column

Here is Cloud Column, a very shiny sculpture by Anish Kapoor located in The Glassell School of Art and Brown Foundation, Inc. Plaza at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. It is shiny. And big: it is over 29 feet tall. This shot makes it look like it might be a donut, but there is a concave surface in the middle that inverts the view. One of the Houston writers called this the “wannabean” because this is the predecessor of Chicago’s Cloud Gate sculpture, also by Anish Kapoor and also (very) big and shiny.

If the name of the artist sounds familiar, it might be because you were paying attention when you looked at my earlier post, Five More Frames from the High. The frame Photographing the Photographers, also contains a sculpture by Mr. Kapoor.

Dem Bones

I love these brassy trombones. I especially like the reflection of the player in the trombone bell. The players were performing with a band at the Lily Fest in 2018. See my earlier post Five Frames from Lilyfest. These trombones have it all; movement, sound, joy, and, of course… shiny.

Fire Valve, Boston T

This photo is part of a series on pipes. It is also shiny. I like the contrasting red and silver of the pipe, vales, and handles. I also like the curving reflections of the shiny background. I found this in the World Trade Center stop on the Silver Line in Boston. Expect a pipes post soon.

Oil Derrick

I found this model oil derrick on the second floor of The Old Bank Building in Mertzon, Texas. The building is now the home of the Irion County Library. I was there for a book signing.

WARNING: Shameless Plug for My Book, The Schnoz of the Rings. The Schnoz of the Rings is a parody of The Lord of the Rings. It is available in paperback from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as an ebook for the Kindle and in libraries. For more information see the book page or visit your favorite bookseller.

For this set of photographs, I used a Canon 6D and 6DII and the following lenses: Canon 50mm f1.8, 24-70mm f2.8, and 100-400mm f4-5.6. The photos were processed from RAW files using Darktable, which is free and open source software (FOSS) available for Windoze, Mac iOS, and Linux.

John Osterhout

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