Five Botanical Frames

Here are five frames of botanical subjects taken at various location in the central Texas area.

Las Cinco Tunas

I found these colorful tunas in Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park in Fredericksburg. I did not notice the bug when I was taking the photograph. Perhaps it should be named Las Cinco Tunas y Uno Bicho. I have always been attracted to the purple/green juxtaposition of the tunas and palms of the prickly pear.


Here is a waterlily from the 2018 Lilyfest in San Angelo. If you want to see more waterlilies, see Five Frames from Lilyfest.


This image is also from Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park in Fredericksburg. The vine with its large yellow fruit is clinging to a fence. I like the contrast of the yellow with the muted greens and browns of the fence and the background.

Tree Reflected

A tree is reflected off of the back of a tiled ant sculpture on the Red Arroyo trail in San Angelo.

Essence of a Tree

This is a photograph of the magical aura of a tree in San Angelo. I used a Revelio filter from Shutterbutton’s in Diagon Alley (the equivalent of about $37.50 in euros). Before you have the vapors, no, I’m not a wizard. I had a witch friend in London buy it for me and send it over the pond. The filter works best with proper magical camera and film. If you slap one on the front of a digital camera you get traces of the life force magic of the tree. Cool, eh? Now all I need is some magical film, a view camera, and a magic meter, which, unfortunately, would have to be magically recharged with some regularity. Bit of a problem for us muggles…

These photographs were taken with a Canon 6D wearing a Canon EF 100-400 mm f4/5.6L IS II USM with the exception of Essence of a Tree, which was produced with a Canon 100mm f2 prime and the aforementioned Revelio filter. The photos were processed from RAW files using Darktable, a free and open-source (FOSS) program available for Windoze, Mac iOS, and Linux.

John Osterhout

One Comment

  1. Good stuff!
    Still think the water lily is the best.

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