Worksheets for Flipped General Chemistry

I teach General Chemistry with a flipped classroom. In class, the students work in groups to complete worksheets that cover the ideas of the day. I am making these worksheets available free to teaching professionals.

The Flipped General Chemistry page contains a description of how I flip the classroom. There you can download examples of my assignment sheets, worksheets, and worksheet keys. There is a link to Worksheets page (password required), which is also accessible from the main menu. The Worksheets page currently contains 40 worksheets for General Chemistry I. Each download is a .zip file that unzips to PDF files of the worksheets, editable copies, folders of graphics files, and snapshots of the online homework assignments (SmartWork). As the Fall semester winds down, I will start posting edited and corrected worksheets for General Chemistry II. I will send you the password to the worksheets page if you email me at JohnOsterhout<at>JohnOsterhout<dot>com or look me up at Angelo State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and email me there. Please send me a link to your professional website.

John Osterhout

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