I spent a few days in Galveston at the end of 2018. My time there was very fruitful photographically. Here are five frames of street photography.
Speed Limit 35

The passengers in this quadracycle were not breaking the speed limit when I took this photograph. They seemed content to meander up and down the seawall seeing the sights. That sign looks like a challenge, though. I say: Go for it!
A Dog and His Human

This noble dog has taken his human for a walk on the beach. The human, though, bogged down and here they are on this little lump of sand while the human stares at the ocean, or thinks vacant thoughts, or whatever humans do sitting on the sand. Meanwhile, there are those gulls over there in the surf that need chasing and that family left their cooler open and there are smells of bacon wafting this way. Some lady down the way brought a chihuahua who is talking trash and needs chastising. But no, here we sit while my human contemplates the universe.
Long Walks on the Beach

Here is a young woman having a walk on the beach. I presume that it is a long one because she seems to have the proper amount of introspection to support a long walk and who does short walks on the beach, anyway?

This fellow is deep in thought. He does not look particularly happy. Whatever he is thinking about is not sparking joy at this particular moment. Maybe his girlfriend left him or his dog did. Maybe his girlfriend left him and took the dog. Maybe his mom is going to come pick him up and he does not want his cool friends to see. Maybe he is a suffering artist. He has writer’s block or a blank canvas back in the studio that remains stubbornly, militantly, unrepentingly blank. Maybe no one understands him or his truck won’t start. Maybe there is a country and western song here.
Places to Go

Here is a man on the move. The man is striding out with purpose but the lady her dog, who he has just passed, seem content to remain where they are. Why doesn’t the man ride his perfectly good bicycle? He did not seem to be looking for treasure in the sand. Maybe he is meeting a friend. His bag contains wine, cheese, and a fresh baguette. Or maybe there is no friend and he is having the wine himself. Maybe he’s got a science fiction novel and is rushing to his favorite reading spot before someone else gets it.
These photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 6D Mark II wearing a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM lens or a Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens. The photos were processed from RAW files using Darktable, which is free and open source software (FOSS) available for Windoze, Mac, and various flavors of Linux.
Love these pics. I like the comments even more.
Anxiously awaiting a 5 pic comedy routine!!